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gold mine assay equipment

XRF Gold Analysis and Testing Equipment Olympus
XRF gold analysis is a nondestructive testing method of materials to determine if gold is present and to what extent. This process is suited to a range of applications, including Mineral assay of exploration samples for Gold, including routine exploration and ore reserve samples. Intertek has extensive expertise in providing Gold exploration and production Gold Assay Services - IntertekSee how easy gold testing can be. One push of a button or a simple trigger pull of our x-ray metal analyzer delivers accurate purity analysis for on-the-spot sorting and valuation of gold and all precious metals.Precious Metal Testing - Thermo Fisher Scientific

Gold by fire assay - alsglobal
Fire assay for gold analysis. Fire Assaying has been practiced for millennia and has been considered the benchmark for gold analysis since the mid-twentieth century. This well-understood technique provides accurate XRF spectrometer to precisely determine the presence and concentration of precious metal and trace alloying elements in 3-10 seconds, and measure gold purity. Request a demo XRF Gold Testing Machines and Precious Metals TestersGravity Separation Equipment (3)Gold Assay Laboratory Equipment DOVE INSTRUMENTS

PhotonAssay: detecting 'unseen' gold with x-ray vision
Delivering faster, safer, and more accurate gold analysis, Chrysos PhotonAssay is an environmentally-friendly replacement for fire assay on-site and in the laboratory. Its fast turnaround on high sample volumes Highly accurate with accuracy within 0.1% of fire assay. Use the Bruker line of gold testing machines anywhere: at the jewelry store, to test and sort incoming gold scrap, or in Gold Testing Machine Purity Check AlloytesterChrysos PhotonAssay™ is the mining industry’s most innovative and valuable assaying solution. What is PhotonAssay™? Delivering faster, safer, and more accurate gold PhotonAssay - Chrysos Corporation
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